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Lauryn Rosinski

portrait of Lauryn Rosinski

Assistant Director of Admission - Graduate and Professional Studies

B.A., Kent State University

Contact:, (440) 826-2915

Serving students in the following areas: I work with graduate and post-baccalaureate students interested in the following programs:

  • Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Leadership in Higher Education
  • MAEd Programs
  • Physician Assistant

My hometown: Youngstown, Ohio

What makes Baldwin Wallace University distinctive? BW is a welcoming and accepting community. When you walk around the campus, you can see that students, faculty and staff look out for one another, and care about the success of their school. Also, no two individuals on this campus are the same, but they are all excellent in their own way.

Where would I still like to visit that I haven't already? Ireland or Poland. My family is from both countries and it would be amazing to see their origins.

What is my favorite movie? It's so difficult to choose only one, but "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is one of my top favorites.

If I could meet any historical figure, who would it be and why? Jane Austen. She was so sharp, funny and forward-thinking. I think she would have been such an interesting person to talk with and know.

What song can't I get out of my head right now? I have the entire "Hamilton" soundtrack stuck in my head right now - and I am not complaining.

What do I love most about Berea and Cleveland? I love that Berea is a such a green area - I especially love how close we are to the beautiful Cleveland Metroparks. Cleveland is a great city because of its diversity and its integration with the arts. I am so lucky to be able to work in this area!

My message to students thinking about the value of college and BW: Whether completing a bachelor's or master's degree, being a part of a university community is a special time where so many unique opportunities are available. Take those opportunities. Meet with faculty and staff, go to events on-campus, make an effort to connect with people that are different than you and learn everything you can. I guarantee that you will see the value of BW when you take these steps.